Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'm going to take a shot at re-creating an on-line public diary (blog) for my family and friends separated across the country from us. Here goes: Karen says "today is a good day...Sunday afternoon, and the whole family is watching Star Wars"

Well, Christmas was very good to us this year. Mom and Dad Thompson came down and spent a week with us and it was very nice. Jackie was very excited to get lightsabers as presents. In fact, he spent all week hinting at what we were going to get (Jackie knew he was getting a blue, Obi-Wan lightsaber, Brenden was getting a green Yoda lightsaber, and I was getting a "sorry, Dad, it's red like Darth Vader" lightsaber). In fact, a commercial came on TV about lightsabers and Jackie blurts out: "Dad, sorry they told you that you are getting a lightsaber for Christmas. I'm sorry they told you, dad." He apologized about ten more times over the next two days for the 'boys on tv' telling me. :-) Too cute.

Jackie had a Star Wars and Indiana Jones Christmas. He got a ton of Indy toys and a lightsaber and some other themed stuff. Santa brought him a "green bean" camera. It's about the size of his hand, and doesn't zoom, but it's built to be dropped and has a built-in belt clip and is 5 Megapixels, so that should satisfy Jack's photography urge. He hasn't really played with it yet, and has re-designated the gift Mommy bought him (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Akator playset) as the one from Santa.

Brenden got a ton of K-nex Ferris wheel and race cars, and similar 6,000-pieces and must be assembled toys. In addition to those and the lightsaber, Brenden also got a Clone Wars collection, books, and Guitar Hero III for the Playstation 3.

Karen always teases me about how poorly I wrap presents, so I thought I'd even the playing field this year. No one wraps some shapes well, so I took her presents and wrapped them in some unusual objects: A spaghetti strap shirt inside of three empty toilet paper tubes duct-taped together; another shirt inside of a zip-locked bag inside of a tupperware bowl filled with rocks; a gift certificate taped to the back of a cheese slicing board. We all got a laugh out of that.

I got a case for my iPhone, a couple of DVD's, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of slacks, another Playstation 3 controller, an electric wrench (really, they make those, for folks too lazy to turn the knob, I guess), and an air compressor.

We did some fun things with the folks. We went for a walk and saw some deer. We went downtown and explored some fun places like Eggemeyer's General Store and Leddy's Custom Cowboy Boots. We built green lizard cyborg robots with floam. We visited the base and went to the kids Christmas party. We wrote letters and laid out cookies and milk for Santa and overcame some doubt in his existence. We built a fort out of a cardboard box. We played with the dog a lot. And of course we played with our Christmas toys. We also went and saw the Riverwalk Christmas lights and the lights around town. We did some shopping and even went up to Abilene to go to the mall there.

All in all, it was a real nice vacation. I'm sorry it is over already.